New Park in Flower Mound in 2025

New Park in Flower Mound in 2025
The town released these images of the new park concepts.

Peter's Colony Memorial Park has been a project many years in the making, but construction will begin in a week or two!

This 3.3-acre park is behind the library and across the street from FMHS. Local budget hawks will be pleased to hear the town secured a $750k grant from the state to help fund it.

Don't get too excited: it'll take about a year to complete. 

Look for: 


✨Veteran’s Memorial Area

✨Educational water feature

✨Nature-inspired playground equipment (this sounds rad)

✨Nature trails and access to the library

The town doesn't think any roads will be closed but we will have to (temporarily) sacrifice some sidewalks during construction.  Worth it!